Lausanne ranked the best small city in the world

Lausanne est la ville moyenne qui a la meilleure qualité de vie au monde selon ce classement britannique. C’est vrai que c’est une ville très agréable a vivre.

Lausanne ranked the best small city in the world

Lausanne in Switzerland took the top spot thanks to its global outlook, diverse population and natural setting

Lausanne in Switzerland has been ranked the best small city in the world.

It topped the chart in Monocle’s inaugural Small Cities Index, which ranked the best 25 small cities in the world with a population under 200,000.

The ranking was compiled by Monocle’s correspondents, editors and researchers who looked at factors such as the quality of public transport, rail and air connections, lively metabolism and progressive local government, among other things.

The Swiss city took the top spot for a host of reasons including its global outlook, diverse population, home to big business and natural setting, said Monocle.

The publisher added that Lausanne’s efficient public transport network as well as key employers in the city, including the International Olympic Committee, were key to its win.

Best small cities in the world

Show all 25

Lausanne, Switzerland

Rounding out the top five was Boulder, USA; Bergen, Norway; Hobart, Australia; and Chigasaki, Japan.

“We kept noticing that our readers were moving to the likes of Porto and Boulder and creating busy, better lives for themselves. This survey shows why people are voting with their feet and ambitions,” said Monocle editor, Andrew Tuck.

Monocle Editor-in-Chief, Tyler Brûlé added: “Having established a strong franchise with the annual Monocle quality-of-life ranking, we felt that it was time to measure liveability in smaller-scale cities that were hard to put in the same league as cities like Tokyo or Vancouver.”

The top 25 small cities in the world

  1. Lausanne, Switzerland

  2. Boulder, USA

  3. Bergen, Norway

  4. Hobart, Australia

  5. Chigasaki, Japan

  6. Bolzano, Italy

  7. Bordeaux, France

  8. Innsbruck, Austria

  9. Porto, Portugal

  10. Aachen, Germany

  11. Reykjavik, Iceland

  12. Savannah, USA

  13. Potsdam, Germany

  14. Basel, Switzerland

  15. Chiang Mai, Thailand

  16. Victoria, Canada

  17. San Sebastián, Spain

  18. Eindhoven, Netherlands

  19. Bath, UK

  20. Aalborg, Denmark

  21. Wiesbaden, Germany

  22. Trieste, Italy

  23. Haarlem, Netherlands

  24. Annapolis, USA

  25. Salzburg, Austria

I do know a lot of these cities…The ranking is quite surprising…

Hobart /Tasmania Island / Australia ??? Number 4…? No way…

What have been the different criterias for this vote…?

I do partially agree with Lausanne… My aunt lives there… Cheaper than Zürich and Geneva…

but… you do need a lot of money to live correctly in Switzerland…

In the last years , there are a lot of « rankings » appearing in the medias… worldwide…

They are very far from being similar…:laughing:


C’est une des premières fois ou ils sortent un classement sur des villes moyennes.

Oui d’habitude ils donnent les classements pour les grandes villes au monde (plus de 200’000 habitants) où il y a la meilleure qualité de vie. Il y a quand même une constante dans ces classements (grandes métropoles) c’est Zurich, qui arrive toujours en tête concernant les grandes agglomérations et que les villes Suisses sont toujours très bien classées.

Deutsche Bank city quality of life index

Quality of life index Change vs. 2014 Change vs. 2018 Country City
1 +1 +1 Switzerland Zurich
2 +2 -1 New Zealand Wellington
3 +3 - Denmark Copenhagen
4 New entry - United Kingdom Edinburgh
5 +6 - Austria Vienna
6 New entry - Finland Helsinki
7 +2 - Australia Melbourne
8 -5 +3 United States Boston
9 +7 +7 United States San Francisco
10 +2 -2 Australia Sydney

Ça c’est le classement le plus suivi dans le monde. Ils regroupent tous ces facteurs
Mercer city quality of life index

2019 City Ranking

Rank City Country/Region
1 Vienna Austria
2 ZĂĽrich Switzerland
3 Vancouver Canada
3 Munich Germany
3 Auckland New Zealand
6 DĂĽsseldorf Germany
7 Frankfurt Germany
8 Copenhagen Denmark
9 Geneva Switzerland
10 Basel Switzerland
Quality of Living City Ranking | Mercer

Mercer evaluates local living conditions in more than 450 cities surveyed worldwide. Living conditions are analysed according to 39 factors, grouped in 10 categories:

Political and social environment (political stability, crime, law enforcement, etc.).
Economic environment (currency exchange regulations, banking services).
Socio-cultural environment (media availability and censorship, limitations on personal freedom).
Medical and health considerations (medical supplies and services, infectious diseases, sewage, waste disposal, air pollution, etc.).
Schools and education (standards and availability of international schools).
Public services and transportation (electricity, water, public transportation, traffic congestion, etc.).
Recreation (restaurants, theatres, cinemas, sports and leisure, etc.).
Consumer goods (availability of food/daily consumption items, cars, etc.).
Housing (rental housing, household appliances, furniture, maintenance services).
Natural environment (climate, record of natural disasters).

Oui le coût de la vie mais les salaires vont avec. La Suisse est trop attractive pour les personnes qualifiées. J’ai été étonné de constater récemment dans un article que 54% de la population Lausannoise est étrangère. Les Suisses sont en train de devenir une minorité.

C ‹ est très bien…mais tout une partie au niveau du côté " humain" a complètement été oublié…
car c ’ est très important de s ’ y sentir bien et surtout d › y être accepté…!!!
=> Ease of setlling in… facilité pour s 'y établir…
=> Feeling at home … environnement hostile et très différent de sa ville d 'origine ??
=> Friendliness… amabilité des gens , racisme…?
=> Finding friends… contacts humains hors du travail, se faire de nouveaux amis…?
=> Langue… Barrière ? Comme le Suisse Allemand à Zürich… par exemple…???

En bref, il faut vraiment tout voir… :smile: